Technical Documents

Technical Translation

Technical translation is the process of translating technical documents or materials from one language to another. It typically involves the translation of highly specialized content, such as technical manuals, patents, user guides, scientific articles, and engineering specifications.

The goal of technical translation is to convey complex technical information accurately and clearly, without losing the meaning or intent of the source text. This type of translation requires a high degree of precision and attention to detail, as even a minor error in translation can have significant consequences in technical fields.

Why do we need to translate technical documents?

  • To reach a global audience: Technical documents are often written in a specific language for a particular market or country. Translating them into other languages allows businesses to reach a wider audience and expand their customer base.
  • To comply with regulatory requirements: In some industries, it is necessary to translate technical documents in order to comply with local or international regulations. For example, medical device manufacturers must provide translated documentation to comply with regulatory requirements in different countries.
  • To ensure accuracy and consistency: Technical documents contain highly specialized content that requires precise terminology and language. Translating these documents ensures that the information is accurately conveyed in the target language and maintains consistency across different translations.
  • To improve safety: Technical documents such as user manuals and safety instructions must be translated accurately to ensure the safe and proper use of products and equipment in different countries.
  • To facilitate international collaborations: Translating technical documents allows professionals in different countries to collaborate on projects and share knowledge and expertise.

Kimia Farsi Translation Center offers a variety of technical translation including:

  • Software localization
  • Technical manual translation
  • Patent translation
  • Scientific translation
  • Engineering translation
  • Financial translation
  • Medical translation
  • Marketing translation