Medical Documents

Medical Translation Services

When using medical documents in another country, the language differences could result in some major misunderstandings. To avoid misunderstanding, rework and any treatment errors, it is recommended that you translate your medical and treatment documents into the target language.

Why do we need to translate medical records?

  • Securely sharing information with patients and other clinicians,
  • Improving patient and provider interaction and communication,
  • Providing a way for physicians to effectively communicate with their patients,
  • Helping providers more effectively diagnose patients
  • Reducing medical errors
  • Enabling safer, more reliable prescribing
  • Providing safer care

Kimia Farsi Translation Center offers a variety of medical translation including:

  • Medical records
  • Hospital forms and reports
  • Case report forms
  • Autopsy reports
  • Test procedures/results
  • Doctor’s certificates for traveling purposes
  • Training materials
  • Medical bulletins
  • Drug data sheets